Our Jeep |
Recently we went on a Red-Rock Jeep tour, and it was awesome! I was sitting in the middle of the jeep part of the time, and in the back part of the time, and the back was much bumpier. Our guide was named Rocky, and was great at being a guide, as well as driving the jeep, and being humorous all the way through. We drove up the mountain parallel with an old wagon trail with Rocky telling us all about the history and geology of the area. One amazing thing about the rock was that from a distance a certain line of rock that went through all the rock formations parallel to it looked maybe three feet high, and turned out to be THIRTY feet tall. No matter how I looked at it, it still looked three feet tall.
Sedona, AZ |
Also in Arizona, we went to Petrified Forest National Park. It is not actually a forest anymore, because after millions of years under silt and water, certain chemical reactions were performed and, grain by grain, the wood changed into rocks. It was a thriving forest when dinosaurs walked the earth, scientists have figured out. Once a tree fell into the river, however, it flowed downstream and was covered by silt. After millions of years, the tree would have been turned to stone, and in this park, there were many petrified trees that were composed of multiple colors and precious rocks. Many were so intact that you could still count the rings in them!
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Painted Desert/Petrified Forest |
A Red Rock tour guide named "Rocky." Cool. Reminds me of a Seinfeld episode, in which the library cop was named Mr. Bookman. Anyway, I never realized that the petrified wood was fallen tree trunks. I always thought of the petrified forest as containing upright petrified tree trunks. Now that I think of it, that's kind of rediculous.